Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Meet Margaret

.....................Of glamour lounging fame. Many previous posts have gone on & on about her apartment (of the deeeeluxe in the sky variety, floor 10 & about a $300,000 street value)....and more importantly her wardrobe! Her estate was where I found the 2 Helen Bond Carruthers, the fabulous silver & maribou Odette Barsa, the Pucci tunic and SO much more. This lady knew how to dress! I got to see some pictures of her in the early 50s on a trip to New York City....she dressed well no matter the era.

Most of what I got is late 60s to early 70s, and little of it was to be worn outside the penthouse. Looking at liquor content of the pantry, I believe she entertained quite a lot! And looked smashing doing it. Its a totally different type of vintage for me, but I have come to really love all the bold, colorful prints, the sheer silk chiffons, the flowing caftans & exotically inspired loungwear. The estate executors were so amazed at my interest in her and this portrait (that I really only wanted to take a picture of, its HUGE!) that they gifted it to me. It would have otherwise been thrown away! Its lovely, and I have no clue what I will do with it but its mine now!

I've only a minute tonight so will post a pic of the glamorous Margaret & be off. Feel free to click to get to the listing for the glamtastic silver Odette peignoir set! Ang

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