I've been absent over a year here, and it's time to get back in the swing of things! I was reminded of how important (and fun) blogging is by my friend Sandra at
Debutante Clothing, and realized how much I miss it!
The first news is that I've moved the site (well, over a year ago) to Shopify. No more Yahoo Page Builder weirdness that didn't work from my Macbook! And the new site allows you to shop by size, by era, by category and collections! The new site is Dorothea's Closet Vintage, and I love how it looks and how easy it is to shop! And for me to work on! So there's that.
I've also recently been invited to sell vintage accessories on a new collective site called Chairish. I get invites to sell on sites all the time, and have to really focus my energy where it works for me and seems a good fit. Chairish started out as primarily vintage and higher end home decor and in November added vintage accessories. They have a tremendous appreciation for vintage and the uniqueness of it. The presentation is gorgeous, their curating is really top notch. They don't even accept everything I submit! Which to me says that they have a very specific look and clientele they are working for, and that is a refreshing change from sites that just eventually end up a glut of anything anyone wants to sell and call vintage. My shop is Dorothea's Closet Vintage on Chairish. Jewelry, handbags and scarves. Some of my personal favorites in a small hand picked collection! I really love the site, and would not say so if I didn't. There are a bajillion vintage websites/collectives at this point online so I am pretty picky about who I align with...this site is worth a look! Some highlights...

And loads more, most of which are not on my site or in my local boutique! Speaking of which, an updated shot of the shop!
Tomorrow the shop is open 12-4 for our Holiday Party! Des Moines, IA folk (or nearby), stop in...wine, cheese and giveaways. Vintage coats 50% off! All my neighboring shops are also open with drinks, snacks and holiday sales/giveaways. You can get more details and updates by following my Facebook Page, or the page for my local neighborhood The Argonne Arts and Shopping District.
More posts to come! I'm back!!!