Tuesday, August 14, 2007

.....................Today's eVintage VINTAGE OR BUST! topic was plaid, inspired by a spread I spotted in either Cosmo Girl or Seventeen magazine while hanging with my 15 year old niece over the weekend. It seems every Fall the fashion magazines trot out the plaids and tweeds as if we've never seen them before, as if criss crossed lines and weaves were invented yesterday. Every season its a different twist, and this season it seems taking plaid the punk way is the way to go. Its a refreshing change from the obviousness of preppy plaids and menswear inspired plaids. Click below to get to the eVintage blog to see what we found on eBay and how you can find patterns to make similar looks! As always, my requests to subscribe apply......

As for me, I do have some plaids to work on listing, but for now the closest thing I have to a punk edge plaid is truly more of a rockabilly plaid, a dinner jacket from the early 60s worthy of Jerry Lee himself.

And if you're digging that look, check these guys out (I used to have the CD but lost it, if you're buying one get 2 and hook me up, yes?)........the Big Six, available HERE on Amazon. See how plaid?

Enjoy! Ang

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